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    I would like to take this time to thank the many customers I’ve met over the past ten years. Without your continued support and encouragement, I would not be where I am today. You have allowed me to live my dream by becoming a wildlife artist.   I would also like to thank God for all the good things he has brought into my life. Everyday I work with the animals he has created and my eyes are opened to his perfection. It is my desire that we all might be able to understand him better through his good works. That the animals we pursue and the vast wilderness they inhabit might open our eyes to the gifts and opportunities he has given us. May we pursue a relationship with him that will allow us to share his light to others.  

    “The deepest darkness cannot extinguish the light of even the tiniest candle!”

    Good luck, and God bless on your next outdoor adventure

    – Casey Watterson